Submission Guidelines (2018)

General Guidelines for Submission

Academy of Aphasia 56th Annual Meeting 10/21-23

Submission Deadline EXTENDED: April 30th, 2018 11:59PM PST

The 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia will be held at the Hotel Place D'Armes in Montreal, Canada. The Academy of Aphasia welcomes submissions of original experimental, clinical, theoretical, and historical research from any field that contributes to the study of aphasia, including Speech-Language Pathology, Psychology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, History, and Computational Modeling.

Presentation types.  The annual meeting includes both platform and poster sessions.

Platform sessions include:

  • Scientific papers—consisting of original research that has not yet been published
  • Symposia—consisting of a number of papers focusing on a common theme from researchers representing different laboratories. These papers may report on previously published research.
  • Mini-Workshops—methodologically oriented sessions consisting of a number of papers reporting a unique approach to a timely topic. The authors of these papers may be from a single research group.

Poster sessions include:

  • Scientific papers that can be presented primarily in a visual format.

The Academy considers poster sessions to be as scientifically meritorious as platform sessions. Poster sessions will not conflict with platform sessions.

Guidelines for abstract content.  The submitted abstract should provide a concise statement of the problem or hypothesis, procedures and analyses conducted, results obtained, and final conclusion(s) drawn. Abstracts may include a maximum of 500 words (excluding references) as well as one camera- ready figure/table (in JPEG only). American Psychological Association (APA) format should be used for references. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be reviewed.

Symposia and Mini-Workshops.  In the case of symposia and mini-workshops, the organizer should submit an abstract summarizing the topic, including the names and affiliations of all the participants, and the titles of the other abstracts. In addition, an abstract should be submitted for each of the individual presentations. To help in the planning of the program, it is recommended that organizers of symposia and mini-workshops contact the chair of the Program Committee by e-mail ( about their plans to get feedback on organizational issues.

Authorship of submissions.  More than one abstract may be submitted by an individual, but an individual can be listed as first author on only one submission. Both members and non-members of the Academy are encouraged to submit proposals for scientific papers, symposia and mini-workshops. Student papers must be co-authored by a member of the Academy. All submissions will be given equal consideration on the basis of their scientific merit and fitness for the Academy.

Conference participation.  The meeting is open to anyone interested in attending. However, meeting space is limited, and Academy of Aphasia members, authors of accepted papers, and the first authors of rejected papers will have preference if space limitations restrict the number of registrants.

Submission procedures.  Proposals must be submitted on-line at:

  • You must log-in to your Frontiers account to submit an abstract (if you do not have an account, you can create one)
  • Once you log-in, click the Submit button:
  • Select: “Submit an abstract to an event, such as a conference and then start submission”
  • To submit to the Academy of Aphasia
    • In the Select Event box, click on Academy of Aphasia – 56th annual meeting
  • In the Select Abstract Type box, click on “Abstract” then click Next
  • Authors and abstract. Enter author information for each, then enter the title of your abstract and the text of the abstract. Abstract titles are limited to 500 characters. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (not including references, tables and figures). Although the website indicates a maximum length of 10,000 characters or 1000 words, we were not able to modify this feature and we will only review abstracts that do not exceed the 500 word limit and we will only consider a maximum of ONE figure and ONE table. References are entered separately at the bottom of the page. Note that you will not be allowed to enter formatting for text (underlining, bolding, etc.).  For phonetic symbols, please use the SAMPA conventions (

Note: The conference software will rigidly enforce the character limits on abstracts. If you are pasting text in from another program, please check to make sure that your abstract has not been automatically truncated.

  • Presentation. Please indicate your presentation preferences (Options: Oral presentation, Poster presentation, Symposium). If the submission is part of a symposium or workshop submission, please provide the name of this symposium or workshop in the text box marked Acknowledgements. You may also make requests for non-standard equipment needs or time allotments.
  • Key. Please enter key words as instructed.
  • Under Topic, please select whether the proposal is eligible for the student award. Only proposals with students as first authors are eligible.
  • Submit: once you hit “submit” the abstract will be You will not be able to edit it further even if it is before the submission deadline. (And there is no option to save a draft and get back to it later.)
  • Figures/tables. These are uploaded at the end of submission process.  Figure files must be either TIF/TIFF or JPG in RGB color The minimum image file resolution for publication should be 800 dpi, Combination (Line Art + Halftone) 600 dpi, Halftone 300 dpi. Figures should be designed to be easily interpretable in B&W.
  • Multiple Submissions. Once a user account has been created, you may submit additional papers.
    • Log on to the conference website using the user name and password emailed to you after submitting your first abstract.
    • Click on the “Submissions” tab.
    • Click on “Submit new conference paper” and follow the same steps as with your first submission.
    • Keep in mind that an individual can be listed as first author on only one submission.

Remember to indicate one corresponding author only.

Student Awards.  This award is given to the student presenting the most scientifically meritorious paper (either platform or poster presentation). Submissions are judged by the Program Committee on the basis of the abstract submission and the conference presentation itself. All full-time graduate students are eligible for the student award, although priority is typically given to students focusing on research. Student applicants must:

  • be enrolled full time and be in good standing in a graduate program at the time of submission
  • be the first author and presenter of the paper submitted
  • not have received a student award from the Academy in the past

Students wishing to be considered must indicate this during the submission process (under “topic”).

Help with online submissions.  If you have any problems using the online submission system please contact the chair of the Program Committee ( ) as soon as possible.

Deadlines.  The text of all abstracts as well as any associated tables/figures must be uploaded to the website no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Friday, April 23, 2018 (11:59PM PST). There will be absolutely no exceptions to this deadline.

Selection criteria for the meeting program.  The Program Committee will review the abstracts anonymously.  Selection of papers will be based on scientific merit, innovation, appropriateness for the Academy of Aphasia, on the representation of topics in the program.

Scoring Criteria:  All conference abstracts will be reviewed for 1) Scientific Merit, 2) Conceptual and Scientific Innovation and 3) Appropriateness for this conference. Also, consideration will be given for topics in the program.

You will be notified by email of the decision by the Program Committee by June 30, 2018.

Program Committee:

  • Brenda Rapp (Chair)
  • Michael Dickey (Asst. Chair)
  • Yasmeen Faroqi-Shah
  • Simon Fischer-Baum
  • Carlo Semenza
  • Peter Turkeltaub