2016 Annual Meeting
The abstract book is available here.
The 54th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia will be held at the Saint George’s Hotel; Llandudno, Wales, U.K. The Academy of Aphasia welcomes submissions of original experimental, clinical, theoretical, and historical research from any field that contributes to the study of aphasia, including Speech-Language Pathology, Psychology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, History, and Computational Modeling.
Our keynote speaker is Marco Catani. Marco Catani is currently the head of the NatBrainLab (www.natbrainlab.com) at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London. He pioneered the use of diffusion tractography to study human brain connections and co-authored with Michel Thiebaut de Schotten the 'Atlas of Human Brain connections' (2012). He has received several awards, including the Norman Geschwind Prize in Behavioural Neurology by the American Academy of Neurology in 2012, and the Investigator Award by the Wellcome Trust in 2014. He has a special interest in clinical-anatomical correlation and history of neuroscience. His most recent book 'Brain Renaissance: from Vesalius to modern neuroscience' tells the incredible life of the great anatomist Andreas Vesalius and his understanding of the brain.
Submission guidelines are available here.
Submission categories include: platform papers; poster presentations; symposia bringing together researchers working on a common research theme; and mini-workshops with a methodological emphasis, presenting a unique approach to a timely topic. Submissions are accepted from both members and non-members of the Academy and all submissions are given equal consideration.
Submission Deadline: April 30th, 2016, 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Notification of Submission: June 30th, 2016
Conference Dates: October 16-18th, 2016 Conference Venue: Saint George’s Hotel; Llandudno, Wales, U.K.
How to submit:
A copy of the conference program is available here.