
42nd Annual Meeting of Academy of Aphasia

Chicago, October 17-19, 2004

All platform presentations and symposia will be held in the Seville Ballroom. Book Exhibits, and Poster sessions will take place in the Valencia Room. Registration and Coffee breaks will be in the Foyer outside the Seville Ballroom and the Valencia Room.

SUNDAY, October 17th

8:00-9:00         Registration

9:00-11:00       Platform Session 1

Lexical-Semantic Processing                     

Chair: Nadine Martin

(1) Errors of lexical selection during high and low semantic competition (Schnur, Brecher, Rossi, & Schwartz)

(2) Sparing of proper nouns and dates in aphasia (Schmidt, Buchanan, & Semenza)      

(3) Naming and semantic processing in Alzheimer dementia: a coherent picture? (Visch-Brink, Hagelstein, Middelkoop, & van der Cammen)

(4) Abstract words are represented in an associative network whilst concrete words are represented in a categorical network (Crutch & Warrington)          

11:00-11:30     Coffee break

11:30-12:30     Platform Session 2

Syntactic Processing and Brain Function

Chair: Brenda Rapp

(2) Neural correlates of word class processing: an fMRI study (Thompson, Bonakdarpour, Blumenfeld, Fix, Parrish, Gitelman, & Mesulam)    

(3) Neural correlates of verb second in Dutch: an fMRI study (den Ouden, Bastiaanse, Hoogduin, Maguire, & Stowe)          

12:30-2:00       Lunch break

2:00-3:30         Poster Session 1 and Coffee

Phonemic and Articulatory Processes

(1)  Compensation articulation in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) (Gabbert, Dewey, & Katz)          

(2) Impact of Parkinson's disease on the production of contrastive and phonemic stress from the listeners' perspective (Cheang & Pell).         

(3) Confirming the role of the insula in coordinating complex but not simple articulatory movements (Dronkers, Ogar, Willock, & Wilkins)        


(4) A method for on-line evaluation of emotional prosody in healthy and disordered populations (Pell)

(5) Using the Cantonese linguistic communication measure (CLCM) to monitor changes of narrative production in aphasic patients (Kong & Law).

(6) Underlying factors impacting differential outcomes in linguistic function subsequent to treatment for posterior fossa tumour in children (Docking, Murdoch, & Ward).   

(7) Auditory Comprehension and Visual-Manual Tracking Dual-Task Performance in Aphasia: Preliminary Findings (McNeil, Hula, Matthews, Doyle, & Fossett).     

Functional Neuroimaging

(8) AoA effects on Chinese language processing: an fMRI study (Weekes, Chan, Kwok, Tan, & Jin)     

(9) The representation of segmental information: An fMRI investigation of the consonant-vowel distinction (Miceli, Caltagirone, Capasso, Patria, Turriziani, & Caramazza) .  

(10) A new method for measuring cortical dopaminergic activity during cognitive performance: a PET activation study on verbal working memory (Aalto, Brück, Laine, Någren, & Rinne).       

(11) Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the cognitive components of the spelling process (Hsieh & Rapp)      

Narrative and Discourse Processes

(12) Coherence of Narratives in Aphasia (Ulatowska, Olness, & Williams)

(13) Supported versus unsupported narrative elicitation: Impact on language production in aphasia (Linebarger, McCall, & Berndt)         

(14) Feast or famine: fixed expressions in the spontaneous speech of left hemisphere-and right hemisphere-damaged subjects (Sidtis, Postman, & Glosser).

(15) Dynamic aphasia and the generation of language (Robinson & Cipolotti).     

(16) The urge to communicate in severe dementia (Ellis & Astell).  

(17) The deterioration of discourse in neurodegenerative disease (Ash, Moore, Hauck, Antani, Katz, & Grossman)  

(18) Pragmatically Appropriate Code-switching in a Quadrilingual with Wernicke's Aphasia (Riccardi, Fabbro, & Obler)      

Prosody and Intonation

(19) Prosodic production and domain sensitivity in brain-damaged patients (Baum, Dwivedi, & Shah)      

(20) Intonation perception in crossed aphasia (Seddoh).      

Platform Session 3

Lexical and Syntactic Function

Chair: Matti Laine

(1) Evidence for separate lexical tone and sentence intonation: a perception study of Chinese aphasic patients (Liang & van Heuven)   

(2) The time course of lexical activation in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia: evidence from

 eye-movements (Yee, Blumstein, & Sedivy) 

(3) A study of syntactic processing in aphasia I: behavioral (psycholinguistic) aspects (Caplan, Waters, DeDe, Michaud, & Reddy).          

(4) A study of syntactic processing in aphasia II: neurological aspects (Caplan, Kennedy, Alpert, Makris, Waters, DeDe, Michaud, & Reddy).      

MONDAY, October 18th

8:30-10:00       Symposium

Testing the Interactive Two-Step Model of Lexical Access                   

Chair: Myrna F. Schwartz

(1) Testing the interactive two-step model of lexical access: how we do it and why (Dell, Schwartz, & Martin)   

(2)  Testing the interactive two-step model of lexical access: Part I. Picture naming (Schwartz, Dell, & Martin)   

(3) Testing the interactive two-step model of lexical access: Part II. Predicting repetition from naming (Martin, Dell, & Schwartz). 

10:00-10:30     Coffee break

10:30-12:30     Platform Session 4

Treatment and Recovery

Chair: Peter Borenstein

(1) Effect of semantic naming treatment on crosslinguistic generalization in bilingual aphasia (Kiran & Edmonds)           

(2) The contribution of verb retrieval to sentence construction: a clinical study (Edwards, Tucker, & McCann).        

(3) Facilitating communication in dementia with multimedia technology (Astell, Ellis, Alm, Dye, Campbell, & Gowans).       

(4) Longitudinal fMRI study of aphasia recovery in frontal stroke (Connor, Blasi, Young, Tucker, Snyder, Kwentus, Lewis, & Corbetta)        

12:30-2:00       Academy Luncheon

The data from aphasia: what are they good for?             

Luncheon Speaker: Professor Alfonso Caramazza, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

2:00-3:30         Poster Session 2 and Coffee

Reading and Writing

(1) Writing in primary progressive anarthria (Papagno & Lucchelli).         

(2) A case report of a Cantonese surface dyslexic patient: further evidence for a dual-route model of reading Chinese (Law, Wong, Shiu)      

(3) Concreteness effects in global alexia: a right hemisphere contribution? (Mayda, Larsen, Lincoln, Kacinik, Swick, & Baynes)          

(4) Integration of lexical and sublexical processing in the spelling of regular words: a multiple single-case study of dysgraphia in Italian patients (Laiacona, Zonca, Scola, Capitani, Saletta, & Luzzatti) 

(5) A case of allographic agraphia (Menichelli, Rapp, & Semenza).                        

(6) Orthographic neighborhoods: evidence from dysgraphia (Goldrick, Folk, & Rapp).

(7) Product relationships In rewriting Arabic numerals from written verbal numerals: a selective difficulty in aphasia (Granà, Mondolo, Di Benedetto, & Semenza)        

(8) Written accent and surface dysgraphia in a Spanish brain-damaged patient (García-Orza & León-Carrión)          

(9) Rethinking the graphemic buffer? (Buchwald & Rapp)   

(10) Tonal dyslexia in Chinese (Luo & Weekes)       


(11) Tense and agreement in clausal representations: evidence from German agrammatic aphasia (Burchert, Swoboda-Moll, & De Bleser)         

(12) An insight in small classes and negative clauses in agrammatism: data from Italian (Rossi & Bastiaanse)  

(13) Verb transformation in non-fluent progressive aphasia (Weekes, Davies, & Wadey)          

(14) Morphosyntactic features do matter (Vasi & Ruigendijk)        

(15) A limit for a resource reduction theory of syntactic comprehension deficits: an auditory moving window investigation (Baudiffier, Caplan, Gaonac'h, & Gil).        

(16) Well-formedness judgement in Broca's aphasia: a systematic comparison of different error-types and sentence-types (Cardell, Chenery, Ingram, & Hinchliffe)   

(17) Question production in Dutch agrammatism (Ruigendijk, Kouwenberg, &


(18) Tense times in aphasic sentence comprehension (Inglis)

(19) Verb activation patterns in on-line sentence processing of Dutch matrix clauses (Wester, de Goede, Bastiaanse, Swinney, & Shapiro)          

(20) Complex sentence comprehension in a patient with a semantic short-term memory deficit (Martin, Inglis, & Kuminiak)

Platform Session 5

Syntactic Processing

Chair: Susan Edwards

(1) Complexity in the comprehension of wh-movement structures in agrammatic Broca's aphasia: evidence from eyetracking (Thompson, Dickey, & Choy).          

(2) Production of functional categories in agrammatic narratives: an IRT analysis (Milman, Thompson, & Dickey)      

(3) Verb inflection in Broca's aphasia: influence of movement, finiteness, tense and regularity (Bastiaanse, Sikkema, & van Zonneveld).

(4) Explaining verb production difficulty in aphasia: testing the division of labor between syntactic and semantic information (Boronat, Barde, & Schwartz) 

TUESDAY, October 19th

8:30-10:00       Symposium

Current Controversy: Functional Neuroimaging of Language            

Chair: Steven L. Small

(1) Whetting the appetite for wetbrain science: what we can learn about language from functional neuroimaging (Grossman)   

(2) Cut us another slice: why functional imaging research is not very satisfying (Bub)  

10:00-10:30     Coffee break

Platform Session 6

Language in Dementia

Chair: Daniel Kempler

(1) Sentence comprehension in progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia: an fMRI study (Grossman, Cooke, McMillan, Moore, Gee, & Work).         

(2) Longitudinal study of semantic memory in Alzheimer's disease (Moore, Grossman, Antani, & Koenig

(3) Semantics and syntax of mass and count nouns: data from aphasia and dementia (Mondini, Jarema, & Liguori).        

(4) Effects of semantic impairment on repetition and verbal short-term memory: evidence from semantic dementia (Reilly, Martin, & Grossman).    

12:30-2:00       Lunch break

2:00-3:30         Poster Session 3 and Coffee


(1) Differential impact on aphasic naming induced by repeated naming versus word-onset gating (Wingfield, Hoyte, Kim, & Brownell)     

(2) A deficit in naming pictures and repeating words involving hand imagery in a group of brain-injured patients (ArŽvalo, Perani, Cappa, Butler, & Bates)  

(3) The time course of semantic activation in Parkinson's disease (Angwin, Chenery, Copland, Murdoch, & Silburn)      

(4) Confounds in the distinction between high and low imageability words: phonological, etymological, & morphological differences (Ramey, Reilly, & Milsark)         

(5) Naming of nouns and verbs in aphasia: preliminary results of a word retrieval task in a sentence context (Crepaldi, Aggujaro, Arduino, Zonca, Ghirardi, Inzaghi, Colombo, Chiercia, & Luzzatti).       

(6) Connectionist diagnosis of lexical processing in aphasia: comparing a single- versus a dual-route model of repetition (Abel, Huber, & Dell)         

(7) The role of similarity structure in category specific deficits in Alzheimer's disease (Aronoff, Gonnerman, Almor, Kempler, & Andersen)        

(8) Categorization processes in corticobasal degeneration and Alzheimer's disease (Antani, Dennis, Moore, Koenig, & Grossman)       

(9) Potential words in aphasic noun compound production (Stark, Dressler, Pons, Libben, Jarema, & Ruprecht).

(10) Processing of mass/count information in semantic dementia and agrammatism (Taler, Jarema, & Saumier)     

(11) Two types of semantic impairment in different patient populations: content versus process (Koenig, Smith, Moore, Antani, & Grossman)        

Right Hemispheric and Subcortical Contributions

(12) Mathematics in right hemisphere aphasia: a case series study (Semenza, Delazer, Bartha, Domahs, Bertella, Granˆ, Mori, Pignatti, & Conti)

(13) Right hemisphere stroke: group and individual performance trends on word list recall and recognition (Halper & Cherney).        

(14) Effects of right hemisphere brain injury on the use of components of prosody for syntactic comprehension (Hoyte, Kim, Brownell, & Wingfield) 

(15) Resource limitations as a determinant of right-hemisphere-damaged difficulties in processing alternative metaphorical meaning of words (Monetta, Ouellet-Plamondon, & Joanette)       

(16) Lack of inhibition could contribute to non-literal language impairments in right-hemisphere-damaged individuals (Champagne, Desautels, & Joanette)          

(17) A subcortical chain of command involved in the regulation of linguistic processes? (Murdoch, Whelan, Theodors, & Cahill)

Recovery and Treatment

(18) An errorless learning approach to treating dysnomia (Frattali & Kang).         

(19) Understanding response to treatment with error analysis (Davis, Harrington, & Baynes).         

(20) Unexpected recovery of language function after massive left-hemisphere infarct: coordinated psycholinguistic and neuroimaging studies (Shankweiler, Palumbo, Ni, Mencl, Fulbright, Pugh, Constable, Harris, & Kollia) 

(21) Auditory sentence processing in an aphasic patient at different stages of recovery: an ERP investigation (Faustmann, Copland, & Murdoch)

(22) The benefits of orthographic cueing to naming deficits in aphasia:  a case study (Leonard, Rochon, & Laird).    

(23) Using strengths to treat deficits: a case study in anomia treatment (Glezer & Friedman).      

(24) The role of effort in errorless and errorful learning (Lacey, Glezer, Nitzberg Lott, & Friedman)      

Platform Session 7

Lexical Processing and Brain Function                

Chair: Matti Laine

(1) The role of the 'visual word form area' in modality independent lexical processing (Hillis, Newhart, & Heidler)        

(2) An event-related fMRI investigation of phonological-lexical competition (Prabhakaran, Blumstein, Myers, & Hutchison).    

(3) Natural versus grammatical gender: an fMRI study on lexical processing in the human brain (Huber, Grande, Hendrich, Kastrau, & Longoni)