All platform presentations will be in the Proshansky Auditorium, on the Concourse Level (C) of the Graduate Center buildings, one floor down from the entry level. Registration, Coffee breaks, Book Exhibits, and Poster sessions will be in the Lobby outside that auditorium.

SUNDAY October 20th, 2002

8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast Board Meeting

9.00 - 9:30 REGISTRATION


10.30 - 12.00 PLATFORM SESSION 1

Chair: Brenda Rapp

Lexical semantics
Nadine Martin, Jennifer Ayala, and Eleanor M.Saffran,
Lexical influences on serial position effects in verbal STM span in aphasia
Peachie Moore, Kari Dennis, Anita Patel, Corey McMillan, Phyllis Koenig and Murray Grossman
Longitudinal study of category-specific semantic memory in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia
Chris DeVita, Peachie Moore, Kari Dennis, Jim Gee, Michael Lin and Murray Grossman
Cognitive correlations of voxel-based morphometric analyses of gray matter atrophy in frontotemporal dementia

12.00 - 1.30 LUNCH


Lexical semantics
Murray Grossman, Phyllis Koenig, Guila Glosser, Chris DeVita, Peachie Moore, John Detre, Jim Gee and Dave Alsop
The neural basis for semantic memory difficulty in Alzheimer's disease: An fMRI study
Juliana V. Baldo, Carl Ludy, David Wilkins and Nina Dronkers
Impaired category but preserved letter fluency in patients with severe Wernicke’s aphasia
Leora R. Cherney and Anita S. Halper
Performance of subjects with right hemisphere stroke on the Mini-Mental State examination
Frank Domahs, Lisa Bartha, Thomas Benke and Margarete Delazer
Words and number words: Different output processing in a single case of primary progressive aphasia
Lisa Bartha, Christian Brenneis, Michael Schocke, Bülent Köylü, Thomas Trieb, Christian Kremser, Eugen Trinka, Gerhard Bauer, Werner Jaschke, Werner Poewe, and Thomas Benke

Hippocampal activation during semantic language processing: fMRI findings in healthy left- and right handers
Giuseppe Sartori, Carlo Semenza and Jessica D'Andrea
Prosopanomia: A selective deficit in naming faces
Christopher M. Grindrod and Shari R. Baum
Context use as the source of right-hemisphere-damaged individuals’ impairment in lexical ambiguity resolution
Karen Eck, Anne Simard, Hélène Côté and Yves Joanette
The time course of automatic semantic activation in a right-hemisphere damaged patient
Costanza Papagno and Patrizia Tabossi
Idiom comprehension in aphasic patients
Jennifer Ayala and Nadine Martin
Decompositional effects in the production of compound words in aphasiaClaudio Luzzatti, Giusy Zonca, Caterina Pistarini, Mariangela Taricco, Fabrizio Abelli and Mirella Frustaci
Cerebral regions associated with the impaired retrieval of verbs and nouns
Simona Collina, Alessandra Caporali, Anna Basso and Patrizia Tabossi
The production of action nouns: A case study
H. Branch Coslett, Eleanor M. Saffran and John Schwoebel
Knowledge of the Human Body: A distinct semantic domain
Connie A. Tompkins, Wiltrud Fassbinder, Annette Baumgaertner and Margaret Lehman Blake
Multiple meaning activation vs. semantic activation failure for inferencing by right-brain-damaged adults
Kari E Dennis, Phyllis L Koenig, Peachie N Moore, Anita Patel and Murray Grossman
Category-specific confrontation naming difficulty in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia
Phyllis L. Koenig, Edward E. Smith, Kari Dennis, Anita Patel, Peachie Moore and Murray Grossman
Category-specific limitations in Alzheimer's disease: Process and content
A. Cris Hamilton and Randi C. Martin
Inhibition and proactive interference effects in impaired semantic short term memory of aphasiac patients
Nathalie Walter, Mario Beauregard and Yves Joanette
Semantic single word processing in French: a study in divided visual hemifields
Iftah Biran, Anjan Chatterjee, Guila Glosser
Are verbs like inanimate objects?

3.00 - 5.00 PLATFORM SESSION 2

Chair: Ria de Bleser

Sentence production and comprehension
Roelien Bastiaanse and Ron van Zonneveld
The production of verbs with alternating transitivity in Broca’s and anomic / Wernicke’s aphasia
Miseon Lee and Cynthia K. Thompson
Agrammatic aphasic production and comprehension of unaccusative verbs in sentence contexts
Cynthia K. Thompson and Miseon Lee
Agrammatic aphasic production of psych-verbs in active and passive sentences
Kyrana Tsapkini and Gonia Jarema
Processing verb-argument structure in aphasic patients: Evidence from event related potentials

MONDAY October 21st, 2002

8.30 - 9.00 REGISTRATION

9.00 - 10:30 PLATFORM SESSION 3

Chair: Peter Borenstein

Assessment and recovery of aphasia
Roland Zahn, Eva Drews, Stefan Kemeny, Karsten Sprecht, Klaus Willmes Wolfgang Reith,
Michael Schwarz and Walter Huber
Recovery of semantic word processing in global aphasia: A functional MRI study
Suzanne Doesborgh, Mieke van de Sandt-Koenderman, Diederik Dippel, Frans van Harskamp, Peter Koudstaal, Evy Visch-Brink
Aphasia in the acute phase of stroke
Michael Walsh Dickey and Cynthia K. Thompson
The resolution and recovery of filler-gap dependencies in aphasia: Evidence from on-line anomaly detection


Morphosyntax and phonology
Arthur Wingfield, Jonathan Peelle and Murray Grossman
Speech comprehension in the aging brain: Effects of speech rate and syntactic complexity
Helena Lehečková
Broca´s aphasia in Czech: a linguistic analysis
Anthony Kong Pak-hin and Sam-Po Law
A Cantonese linguistic communication measure
Esterella de Roo, Sergio Baauw, Sergey Avrutin and Ben Hofstede
Determiner omission in the speech production of Broca’s aphasics and young children: Structural and lexical factors
Carlo Semenza, Laura Bertella, Romina Cocolo, Giuseppe Longobardi, Alessia Granà, Silvia Baudo, Alessia di Sapio and Riccardo Pignatti
Movement of proper names to the determiner position: A neurolinguistic study
Karsten Steinhauer and Michael T. Ullman
Consecutive ERP effects of morpho-phonology and morpho-syntax
Aviah Gvion and Na’ama Friedmann
Does phonological working memory limitation cause comprehension deficits in agrammatic and conduction aphasia
Ali Idrissi, Jean-François Prunet and Renée Béland
Metathesis errors in aphasic sSpeech: Implications for the status of abstract roots in Arabic
Ulrike Janssen and Martina Penke
Phonologically conditioned omissions of inflectional affixes in German Broca's Aphasia
Ivy V. Estabrooke, Kristen Mordecai, Pauline Maki, Michael T. Ullman
The effect of sex hormones on language processing
Amit Almor, Elaine S. Andersen, Daniel Kempler, Maryellen C. MacDonald, UnJa L. Hayes, Houri Hintiryan
The production of regularly and irregularly inflected nouns and verbs in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients
Martha W. Burton, Donna Krebs Noble and Rao P. Gullapalli
Segmentation of words and pseudowords using functional MRI
Jean Jones, Loraine K. Obler, Martin Gitterman and Robert Goldfarb
The interface of phonology and morphology in agrammatism: Negation in African American Vernacular English
Loraine K. Obler, Prathibha Karanth, Hia Datta and Anne Varghese
Agrammatism in Kannada, a Heavily-inflected Language
Esther Ruigendijk, Nada Vasic and Sergey Avrutin
The comprehension of pronouns and contrastive stress in Dutch agrammatism
Ineke van der Meulen, Roelien Bastiaanse and Johan Rooryck
Wh-movement in French agrammatism
Jane Maxim, Suzanne Beeke and Ray Wilkinson
Interaction and grammar in aphasia: A comparison of conversation and language testing in a non-fluent speaker
Nina F. Dronkers, David Wilkins, Robert Van Valin, Jeri Jaeger and Brenda Redfern
Lesion analysis of the cortical areas involved in sentence comprehension
Grace H. Park, Malcolm R. McNeil and Patrick J. Doyle
Effects of increased inter-word intervals following prepositions on auditory sentence comprehension in agrammatic and normal comprehenders

12.00 - 1.00 LUNCHEON SERVED


Professor Jean Berko Gleason, PhD
Boston University, Boston, MA, U.S.A.

1.30 - 3.00 PLATFORM SESSION 4

Chair: Roelien Bastiaanse

Grammatical categories
Ria De Bleser and Christine Kauschke,
Acquisition and loss of nouns and verbs: Parallel or divergent patterns?
Argye Hillis and Sangjin Oh
Disproportionate deterioration in spoken naming of verbs in nonfluent primary progressive aphasia
Uri Hadar
The cortical correlates of verb processing: Recent neuroimaging studies

3.00 - 3.30 COFFEE OR TEA

3.30 - 5.00 PLATFORM SESSION 5

Chair: Beverly Wulfeck

Sonja A. Kotz, Stefan Frisch, Katja Werheid, Grit Hein, D.Yves von Cramon and Angela D. Friederici
The role of the basal ganglia in syntactic language processing: Event-related potential evidence from different patient populations and syntactic paradigms
Na'ama Friedmann
Syntactic tree pruning and question production in agrammatism
Ria De Bleser and Frank Burchert
Does morphology make a difference? Agrammatic sentence comprehension in German


6.00 - 7.30 RECEPTION


9.00 - 10.30 PLATFORM SESSION 6

Chair: Guila Glosser

Graphemes and phonemes
Gabriele Miceli, Rita Capasso and Alfonso Caramazza
Morphophonological processing in aphasia: Data from repetition
Brenda Rapp and Delia Kong
Revealing the component functions of the graphemic buffer
Marie-Josèphe Tainturier, Sylviane Valdois, Danielle David, Elwyn Charles Leek and Jacques Pellat
Surface dyslexia without dysgraphia: A case report of a new dissociation


Reading and writing
Stacy A. Direso, Aruna Bewtra, Murray Grossman, Guila Glosser
Writing disorders in corticobasal degeneration
Marjorie Lorch and Isabelle Barriere  
On the singular history of pure agraphia
Charlotte C. Mitchum, Anne N. Haendiges and Rita Sloan Berndt
Reading aloud: When and why does sentence context help?
Ilias Papathanasiou and Renata Whurr
Written language perseverations in aphasia: A descriptive analysis of three cases
Denise H. Wu, Randi C. Martin and Markus F. Damian
A third route for reading? Implications from a case of phonological dyslexia
Alexandra Economou
The contribution of linguistic and patient variables to aphasic reading performance

Rhonda B. Friedman and Susan Nitzberg Lott
Is decreased maintenance of treatment effect in alexia a result of diminished capacity or deficient memory mechanisms?
Sam-Po Law, Man-tak Leung and Angela Tsoi
Efficacy of a thematic mapping treatment on asyntactic sentence comprehension in Chinese aphasic patients
Kati Renvall, Matti Laine, Minna Laakso and Nadine Martin
Contextual priming technique in the treatment of chronic anomia
William F. Katz, Sneha V. Bharadwaj, Gretchen Gabbert and Monica Stettler
Visual augmented knowledge of results: Treating place-of-articulation errors in apraxia of speech using EMA
Elizabeth Rochon, Laura Laird and Carol Leonard
A treatment for naming deficits using feature analysis
John E. Drury and Michael T. Ullman
The memorization of complex forms in aphasia: Implications for recovery
Marcia C. Linebarger, Denise McCall and Rita Berndt
Retraining narrative production: Impact of processing support

Sign Language
Christopher Gardner, Jeff Bettger, Ursula Bellugi and Edward S. Klima
The coordination of bimanual movements in American Sign Language: Implications for interhemispheric linguistic cooperation
Judy Reilly, Ursula Bellugi, Diane Anderson and David Corina
Linguistic versus affective facial expression provides clues to neural plasticity for language: Evidence from ASL
Hebert Pickell, Karen Emmroey, Gregory Hickok, Edward Klima and Ursula Bellugi
Clues from American Sign Language: The role of the right occipital lobe in language and non-language functions
Tracy Love, Ursula Bellugi, Edward S. Klima and Gregory Hickok
A functional MRI study of the perception of ASL signs
Gregory Hickok, Tracy Love, Bradley Buchsbaum and Ursula Bellugi
Neural basis of ASL sentence comprehension in deaf signers: An fMRI investigation

Marcia C. Linebarger , Myrna F. Schwartz , Ted R. Kantner and Denise McCall
Promoting access to the internet in aphasia
Elizabeth Bates, Ayse Pinar Saygin, Suzanne Moineau, Paola Marangolo and Luigi Pizzamiglio
Aphasic patients as vectors in a multidimensional symptom space: How to change the bathwater without losing the baby
Paula Hellal and Marjorie Perlman Lorch
Nineteenth century perspectives on acquired childhood aphasia
Agnes Floel, Tanja Ellger, Caterina Breitenstein and Stefan Knecht
Language and the motor system
Maud Champagne, Jean-Luc Nespoulous and Yves Joanette
Do all right brain-damaged subjects show a deficit in non literal language comprehension?
Diana Vanlancker-Sidtis and Joseph E. Bogen
Language function following early left hemispherectomy in an adult with superior intelligence: Plasticity is not perfect
Renata Whurr
Historical perspectives: The assessment of aphasia

12.00 - 1.30 LUNCH (ON YOUR OWN)

1.30 - 3.00 PLATFORM SESSION 7

Chair: Marc Pell

Properties of verbs
Clare McCann and Susan Edwards
Verb problems in fluent aphasia
Michael T. Ullman, Ivy V. Estabrooke, Karsten Steinhauer, Claudia Brovetto, Roumyana Pancheva, Kaori Ozawa, Kristen Mordecai and Pauline Maki
Sex differences in the neurocognition of language
Hanna K. Ulatowska, Gloria Streit Olness, Robert T. Wertz and CaSaundra L. Hill
Patterns of verb use in narratives of African Americans with aphasia