Preliminary Program

Academy of Aphasia

October 2000

Montréal, Québec




Registration and Coffee



(Moderator: David Caplan)

Research in Speech Errors: A tribute to Victoria Fromkin

Introduction and Commentary

David Caplan

The evolution of models of speech production: Reflections from Vicki’s first student

Harry Whitaker

The architecture of speech production processes

Merrill Garrett

Speech and prosodic errors

Stephanie Shattuck-Huffnagel

The characteristics of speech errors in persons with fluent aphasia

Eleanor Saffran



Coffee Break




(Moderator: )

Phonological, Suprasegmental and Articulatory Production

The influence of phonological context on aphasic sound errors: A case study.

Rachel E. Goldmann, Myrna F. Schwartz and Carolyn E. Wilshire

Suprasegmental correlates of phrase boundary distinctions in aphasic and non-aphasic speech.

Marc D. Pell, Shari R. Baum, Carol Leonard and Jeanne K. Gordon

Hemispheric specialization in processing prosodic structures: Re-visited.

Judy Perkins Walker and Tracy Daigle

Acoustic analysis of compensatory articulation in an individual with cerebellar atrophy: Implications for models of speech production.

Jay M. Perrin and William F. Katz

Impairment of lexical tone production in stroke patients with bilingual aphasia.

Valerie Lim and Jacinta Douglas

Language Comprehension and Production in Dementia

Functional neuroimaging of sentence comprehension in frontotemporal dementia.

Ayanna Cooke, Christian DeVita, Willis Chen, David Alsop, James Gee, John Detre, Phyllis Koenig, Guila Glosser, Murray Grossman

The relationship between working memory capacity and on-line sentence processing efficiency in patients with DAT.

Gloria S. Waters, David Caplan and Carolyn Dufault

Visual processing and oral reading impairment in Alzheimer’s disease.

Guila Glosser, Krista M. Baker, Jeroen J. De Vries, Abass Alavi, Christopher M. Clark and Murray Grossman

Automatic semantic priming in Alzheimer’s dementia: A comparison of lexical decision and word naming tasks.

Emma E. MacKenzie, Helen J. Chenery and John C. L. Ingram

Stroop performance in Alzheimer’s disease: A preliminary test of theories of damage using a connectionist simulation.

Janet Wiles, Helen J. Chenery, Jennifer Hallinan, Alan Blair and Daniel Naumann

PET activation during picture naming in Alzheimer’s disease.

Howard Chertkow, Christine Whatmough, Susan Murtha, Dan Bub, Dion Fung and David Gold

Analysis of semantic category effects in picture naming in Alzheimer’s disease.

Christine Whatmough, Howard Chertkow, Dion Fung, Lennie Babins and Nora Kelner

Lost for words or loss of memories: Autobiographic memory in semantic dementia.

Helen Moss, Marinella Cappelletti, Paul De Mornay Davies, Eli Jaldow and Michael Kopelman



Language in Parkinson’s Disease and Schizophrenia

Real-time sentence processing in Parkinson’s disease.

Christine Lee, Murray Grossman, Jennifer Morris, Matthew Stern and Howard I. Hurtig

Dopaminergic modulation of semantic activation: Evidence from Parkinson’s disease.

Bruce E. Murdoch, Wendy L. Arnott, Helen J. Chenery and Peter A. Silburn

Impaired meaning selection for polysemous words in individuals with nonthalamic subcortical lesions and Parkinson’s disease.

David A. Copland, Helen J. Chenery and Bruce E. Murdoch

Identity and semantic priming in schizophrenia using a letter search task.

Helen J. Chenery, Catharine M. Pettigrew and John McGrath







(Moderator: )

Neurobiological Effects of Treatment

Effects of intralaminar thalamic stimulation on linguistic processing.

Subhash C. Bhatnagar and George Mandybur

Reperfusion of special brain regions restores selective lexical functions.

Argye E. Hillis, Peter Barker, D. Phil, Norman Beauchamp, and Robert Wityk

FMRI studies of agrammatic sentence comprehension before and after treatment: Comparison with normal subjects.

Cynthia K. Thompson, Stephen C. Fix, Darren R. Gitelman, Todd B. Parrish, and M. Marsel Mesulam



Tea & Coffee Break



(Moderator: )

Psycholinguistic Mechanisms of Reading, Writing and Spelling

Category-specific sparing of reading and spelling.

Marinella Cappelletti, Michael Kopelman and Brian Butterworth

Structure and texture in graphemic representations: Further evidence from Dysgraphia.

M. J. Tainturier, J. Egan, J. and B.C. Rapp

Semantic processing of nonwords by a deep dyslexic.

L. Buchanan, S. McEwen, C. Westbury and G. Libben



RECEPTION - Cash Bar, Cocktail Party







(Moderators: Cynthia Thompson & Steven Small)

Neural Correlates of Language Recovery in Aphasia


Steven Small

Brain Imaging in Recovery from Aphasia:

C. Weiller

FMRI studies of Agrammatic Sentence Comprehension Before and After Treatment:

C. Thompson, S. Fix, D. Gitelman, T. Parrish, & M-M Mesulam

A Functional MRI Study of Language Therapy in a Conduction Aphasic Patient:

D. Cardebat, A. Léger, M. Puel, B. Aithamon, B. Touyeras, K. Boulanouar, & J.F. Demonet,



Coffee Break



(Moderator: )

Aphasia Recovery

Long-term recovery of naming and word-finding in narrative discourse in aphasia.

Patricia Marinaro Fitzpatrick, Lisa Tabor Connor, Loraine K. Obler and Avron Spiro

Clinical significance of recovery in aphasia: Social validation of improvement in a selected aspect of communication change.

Leonard L. LaPointe, Richard C. Katz and Cindy Braden

Functional Imaging Studies of Language and Aphasia

Localization of syntactic processing in sentence comprehension by event-related fMRI.

David Caplan, Sujith Vijayan, Gina Kuperberg, Caroline West, Gloria Waters, Doug Greve and Anders M. Dale

Functional imaging studies of language in patients with dominant-hemisphere brain lesions.

D. Klein, B. Milner, R. Visca, A. Olivier and A Bastos

Stability of functional neuroanatomy of auditory sentence processing in an aphasic patient.

Martha W. Burton, Charlotte C. Mitchum and Steven L. Small

Processing of homonyms: A functional MRI study on the separation of word forms from concepts.

Walter Huber, Susanne Weis, Marion Grande, Stefan Pollrich and Klaus Willmes

Task demands influence the activation pattern of auditory semantic priming in fMRI.

Sonja A. Kotz, Anglea D. Friederici, Stefano F. Cappa and D. Yves von Cramon

Lexical Semantics

The status of zero in the semantic system: A neuropsychological study.

Manuela Cacciatori, Alessia Grana, Luisa Girelli and Carlo Semenza

Processing idiomatic expressions in the living-nonliving dissociation.

Francesca Borgo, Teresa Maria Sgaramella, Silvia Pontin and Carlo Semenza

Repeated sampling of word-retrieval in aphasia: Stability of errors.

Julie L. Wambaugh, Michele N. Alegre, Aida L. Martinez and Craig W. Linebaugh

Accessing aspectual verb forms in Polish: A case study.

Danuta Perlak and Gonia Jarema

Naming objects and actions: A case study.

Simona Collina, Paola Marangolo and Patrizia Tabossi

Count and mass nouns: Semantics and syntax in aphasia and Alzheimer]s disease.

Carlo Semenza, Sara Mondini and Katia Marinelli







(Moderator: )

Treatment of Naming

Anomia treatment modifies naming-related cortical activation: evidence from an MEG study.

Katri Kiviniemi, Matti Laine, Antti Tarkiaien, Tiina Jarvensivu, Nadine Martin, and Riitta Salmelin

Phonological facilitation of aphasic naming and predicting the outcome of treatment for anomia.

Wendy Best, Julie Hickin, Ruth Herbert, David Howard, and Felicity Osborne

Learning of subordinate category names by aphasic subjects: Phonological versus personalized cueing.

Robert C. Marshall, Colleen M. Karow, Donald B. Freed, and Patricia Babcock

Facilitation of word retrieval in aphasia revisited.

David Howard, Wendy Best, Philippa Clark, Julie Hickin, and Teresa Redmond



Tea & Coffee Break



(Moderator: )

Priming Naming

Automatic activation of cross-language word associates in the presence of a production deficit in a bilingual aphasic patient.

Karen Eck, Eva Kehayia, Fanny Singer and Gonia Jarema

Treatment for Reading and Naming

Grapheme to phoneme conversion treatment in patients with severe oral reading and naming deficits.

Swathi Kiran, and Cynthia K. Thompson

Rehabilitation of slowed reading in pure alexia with the Multiple Oral Reading Technique: Further evidence for top-down facilitation in the recovery of reading speed.

Jyrki Tuomainen, Eeva Gustafsson, and Matti Laine

Training a self-initiated written word strategy in aphasia and apraxia of speech.

Amy P. Lustig and Connie A. Tompkins

Treatment of Comprehension

Using treatment to unmask verb complexities in sentence comprehension.

Charlotte C. Mitchum, Anne N. Haendiges and Rita S. Berndt

Sharing responsibility for checking information: A key to transmission of information in conversation.

Makoto Hayashi, Gail Ramsberger and Lisa Menn

Treating attention to improve auditory comprehension in aphasia.

Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Lisa Tabor Connor and Martin L. Albert

Effectiveness of intensive training in a case of progressive non-fluent aphasia: Evidence of preserved brain plasticity.

M. Louis, R. Espesser, V. Daffaure, Y. Joanette and M. Habib

Right Hemisphere Language Processing

Changes in word list recall by subjects with right hemisphere stroke.

Anita S. Halper and Leora R. Cherney

Speed of lexical-semantic activation in right-hemisphere-damaged and non-brain-damaged individuals.

Wiltrud Fassbinder and Connie A. Tompkins

The evaluation of the ability of right-hemisphere damaged patients to process speech acts: An ecological approach.

C. Vanhalle, S. Lemieux, P. Goulet, B. Ska and Y Joanette

Speech Perception and Auditory Processing

Voicing discrimination in stop consonants by brain-damaged patients: The role of overt segmentation.

Shari R. Baum

Speech-Reading and its role in auditory processing.

Bernadette Bibb, Lyndsey Nickels and Max Coltheart

Memory and Aphasia

Short-term verbal memory in a patient with conduction aphasia.

Barbara A. Barresi and Kimberly C. Lindfield

Serial-position effects for information unit production: The role of memory in the RAPP story retell procedure for normals and persons with aphasia.

Martin B. Brodsky, Malcolm R. McNeil, Grace H. Park, Tepanta R. D. Fossett, Neil H. Timm and Patrick J. Doyle

Strategies underlying category free-recall in anterior versus posterior aphasia.

Kimberly C. Lindfield, Dasha Polzik and Jennifer A. Roberts






(Moderator: )

Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Comprehension and Production

Verb finiteness in agrammatism: A cross-linguistic study.

Roelien Bastiaanse and Cynthia K. Thompson

The organization of agreement affixes in the mental lexicon: Evidence from German Broca’s aphasia.

Ulrike Jansen and Martina Penke

Processing of noun-adjective and adjective-noun compounds in Italian agrammatic patients.

Sara Mondini, Gonia Jarema, Claudio Luzzatti, Cristina Burani, and Carlo Semenza

Processing of grammatical gender in Russian-speaking aphasics.

Tatiana Akhutina, Andrei Kurgansky, Marina Kurganskaya, Maria Polinsky, and Elizabeth Bates







(Moderator: )

Cross-Linguistic Syntactic Comprehension and Production

Grammaticality judgments by agrammatic aphasics: Data from Brazilian-Portuguese.

Ricardo Joseh Lima and Celso Vieira Novaes

The end of dichotomies: Dissociating different types of mental computations during the processing of past tense in Greek language-impaired patients.

Kyrana Tsapkini, Gonia Jarema and Eav Kehayia

The influence of language learning on brain morphology: The "Callosal effect" in dyslexics differs according to native language.

M. Habib, F. Robichon, V. Chanoine, J. F. Demonet, C. Frith and U. Frith

Psycholinguistic Mechanisms of Reading Writing and Spelling

Non-semantic pathways of reading and writing Chinese: Data from a Cantonese speaking brain-damaged patient.

Sam-Po Law and Bella Or

Are the part of speech and concreteness effects in phonological/deep alexia the result of the same underlying deficit?

Rhonda B. Friedman, Diane M. Sample, and Susan Nitzberg Lott

Time coding and written language acquisition: New evidence from analyses of temporal processing in dyslexic children and normal readers.

Sonia De Martino, Virginie Daffaure, Veronique Rey and Michel Habib

The purpose of lexical/sublexical interaction in spelling: Evidence from articulatory suppression.

Jocelyn R. Folk, Brenda Rapp and Amy Kane

Agrammatic Sentence Production

Effect of lexical cues on the production of passive sentences in Wernicke’s aphasia.

Yasmeen Faroqi-Shah and Cynthia K. Thompson

Functional categories in agrammatic speech.

Marina Arabatzi and Susan Edwards

Developmental and Acquired Pediatric Language Impairments

Developmental language impairment (DLI) and French verbs: A comparison of visual simple lexical decision and word reading tasks.

Phaedra Royle, Gonia Jarema and Eva Kehayia

Contributions of phonological and semantic short-term memory to sentence processing in head-injured children.

Gerri Hanten and Randi C. Martin

Word fluency in relation to severity of closed head injury, frontal lesions, and age at injury in children.

Harvey S. Levin, James Song, Linda Ewing-Cobbs, Sandra B. Chapman and Dianne Mendelsohn

Does agrammatic speech constitute a regression to child language? A three-way comparison between agrammatic, child and normal ellipsis.

Herman Kolk







(Moderator: )

"Tan" Revisited and Agrammatic Sentence Production

Brocas historic cases revisited.

N. F. Dronkers, O. Plaisant, M. T. Iba-Zizen and E. A. Cabanis

Agrammatic speech production: The overuse hypothesis.

Esterella de Roo

Canonicity and inflection in agrammatic sentence production.

Herman Kolk

Grammar and fluent aphasia

Susan Edwards

