Academy of Aphasia 1999
Preliminary Programme
June 28th 1999
8.00-9am Registration and coffee
9.00-10.15 Symposium 1: Imaging and Lesion studies (Part 1)
** Introduction, Bates & Dronkers
** Lessons from animal models, Sereno
** Lesion vs imaging studies of humans: attention and neglect, Pizzamiglio
10.15-10.45 Coffee
10.45-11.45 Symposium 1: Imaging and Lesion studies (continued)
** Lesion vs imaging studies of language 11, Cappa & Perani
** Lesion vs imaging studies of language 11, Friederici
11.45-12.45 Poster session 1: Verbs, Morphology and Semantics
** Finite verbs in agrammatism, van Zonneveld et al
** Trade-off between lexical-semantics and morphosyntax in the production of verbs in Broca's aphasia, Bastiaanse et al
** The relation between the realization of subject and object determiners and object determiners and the production of verbs in Dutch agrammatic aphasia, Ruigendijk et al
** Facilitation of verb form retrieval in an agrammatic aphasic: a multiple baseline study, Balasubramanian et al
** The role of semantic complexity in verb retrieval: Part 2, Breedin et al
** Verb comprehension in frontotemporal dementia, van der Lem et al
** Optionality and inflections in agrammatic speech, Arabatzi et al
** The mental representation of Italian derived adjectives: a study in aphasia, de Rizzo et al
** Derivation by prefixation in Slovenian: a study in aphasia, Semenza et al
** Grammatical gender knowledge in Italian agrammatic patient, Mondini et al
** Integration of verbal morphology and sentence structure in a topic-comment language: normal and aphasic comprehension in Indonesian, Postman et al
** Selective impairment of morphosyntactic production in a neurological patient: evidence for impaired feature processing, Thompson et al
** Verb inflection and the hierarchy of functional categories in agrammatic anterior aphasia, Izvorski et al
** A case of prevailing deficit of non-living categories; is associative information more impaired than perceptual information? Laiacona et al
** Auditory word list priming in left and right temporal lobe lesion patients, Kotz et al
** Similarity and categorisation: neuropsychological evidence for dissocations in categorisation tasks, Davidoff et al
** Shift from Defining to Characteristic Features in Alzheimer's Disease: when the clothes truly make the man, Larsen et al
** Semantic processing of auditory words in acute recovery from transcortical sensory aphasia and in normal subjects, Zahn et al
12.45-2.00 Lunch
2.00-4.30 Platform 1: Morphology
** Brain activation during encoding of inflected words, Laine et al
** Morphological impairment in acquired dyslexia: Distinguishing semantic, orthographic, and morphological information, Rastle et al
** Broca's aphasia and German plural formation, Penke et al
** Quantifying dissociations in aphasia, Applebaum et al
** Naming tools and using rules: evidence that a frontal/basal-ganglia system underlies both motor skill knowledge and grammatical rule use, Ullman
4.30-5.00 Tea break
5.00-6.0 Platform 2: Imaging and sentence comprehension (Part 1)
** Syntactic and semantic processes in the intact brain: an event-related study with fMRI, Ni et al
** The role of the left anterior temporal cortex in language processing, Hagoort et al
9.00-10.30 Platform 2: Imaging and sentence comprehension (continued)
** Sentence listening with and without responding, Small et al
** The Role of Broca's area and the frontal operculum in language comprehension, Friederici et al
** On-line Syntactic Processing in Aphasia: Studies with auditory moving window presentation, Caplan et al
10.30-11.0 Coffee
11.00-12.30 Poster session 2: Language comprehension, phonological processing, production and laterality
Language Comprehension:
** Interpretation of complex syntax by aphasic adults and children with focal lesions or specific language impairment, Dick et al
** Temporal parameters in language comprehension in aphasia, Swinney
** Prosodic facilitation and interference in the resolution of temporary syntactic ambiguities in aphasic subjects, Walker et al
Phonological Processing and acoustic analysis:
** An implicit treatment approach to phonological alexia, Friedman et al
** The role of phonological neighbourhood in aphasic speech errors, Gordon et al
** Three different patterns of phonological disturbance in aphasia, den Ouden
** An acoustic investigation of articulatory impairment in a case of non-fluent progressive aphasia, Croot
** Acoustic analyses of emotional prosody following cortical and subcortical brain damage: Comparisons with listener's ratings and perception of emotional prosody, Breitenstein et al
Language Production:
** Measurement of auditory-verbal short-term memory (STM) span in aphasic subjects with word retrieval impairment, Martin
** Differential effects of verbal paraphasias on calculation, Girelli et al
** "That" and "What" in agrammatic production, Friedmann
** Lexical and post-lexical processes in spoken word production, Goldrick et al
** Establishing functional relationships between imaging data and speech production in cerebellar ataxia using perceptual ratings, acoustic analysis and PET, Sidtis et al
** Effects of left hemispheric lesions on dichotic listening performance, Benke et al
** The contribution of the right hemisphere to recovery from aphasia; Changes in lateralization, Ansaldo et al
** Comparing free speech in children and adults with left- vs. right-hemisphere injury, Bates et al
** Pattern Perception in hemispheric word recognition, Zaidel et al
** Symptomatology of crossed aphasia after a second lesion in the left hemisphere, Visch-Brink et al
** Cerebral lateralization of common versus proper nouns: Evidence from normal processing, Ohnesorge et al
12.30-2.00 Academy Lunch (Speaker)
2.00-3.30 Platform 3: Reading and writing
Word-centered neglect dyslexia and aphasia in a corrected left-hander, Miceli et al
** The autonomy of lexical orthography: evidence from cortical stimulation, Rapp et al
** Grapheme-to-Lexeme feedback in the spelling system: evidence from dysgraphia, McClosley et al
3.30-4.00 Tea
4.00-6.30 Platform 4: Semantics
** The time-course of semantic activation in Broca's aphasia, Tyler et al
** Evidence for dissociation of automatic and attentional semantic priming in Alzheimer's dementia, Ingram et al
** The processing of lexical ambiguities within a sequential context following nonthalamic subcortical lesions, Chenery et al
** Neural basis for motion and cognition verbs, Koenig et al
** Spot the difference: investigations of conceptual structure for living things and artefacts using speeded word-picture matching, Davis
9.00-11.30 Platform 5: Multiple approaches to the study of adult and child aphasia
** Auditory temporal envelope processing in aphasia: a single case study, Boyadgian et al
** Cerebral specialization in acoustical and linguistic processings in infants, Dehaene-Lambertz
** Longitudinal study of sentence comprehension in frontotemporal degeneration, Grossman et al
** Transcortical sensory aphasia: re-examination of the disconnection model, Boatman et al
** Access to count/mass information without access to phonology in an anomic patient, Martin et al
11.30-12.0 Coffee
12.00-1.00 Poster session 3: Language and numbers, treatment, naming disorders, writing and STM
Language and Number:
** A common non semantic mechanism in processing numerals and non words, Signorini et al
** From "twelve hundred" to "1200": a temporal, spatial and kinematic analysis of the handwriting of Arabic numerals as a function of the verbal input form, Lochy et al
** PET activation studies comparing counting and naming in normal and aphasic, Van Lancker et al
** Changes in semantic ERP-components during aphasia therapy, Zahn et al
** Evidence of the interaction between the modules of the lexical-semantic system: The rehabilitation of the grapheme-phoneme conversion mechanism, Ferroni et al
** Aphasia management practices in five healthcare systems, Katz et al
** Effects of deficit-oriented treatments on lexical retrieval in a patient with semantic and phonological deficits, Wambaugh et al
** Lesion site as a predictor of improvement after Fast ForWord treatment in adult aphasic patients, Dronkers et al
** Naming of musical notes, Schon et al
** Progressive aphasia, naming disorders and atrophy distribution: A study of four cases, Capitani et al
** A functional MRI study of recovery from aphasia in an anomic patient using overt picture naming, Cardebat et al
** Variation in meaning response profiles attributable to severity and recovery: In search of an explanation, Schwartz et al
** The role of the syllable in non-lexical writing: Evidence from German, Domahs et al
** Oral reading by Chinese speakers with probable dementia of the Alzheimer's type, Weeks et al
** Perfusion MRI as a measure of cognitive/linguistic deficits, Love et al
** Defective auditory-verbal short-term memory and developmental dyslexia: a case, Cotelli et al
** Verbal and non-verbal short-term memory in patients with conduction aphasia and prefrontal cortex lesions, Baldo et al
** Primary progressive "conduction aphasia": A cognitive analysis of 2 cases, Hillis et al
1.00-2.00 Lunch
2.00-3.30 Symposium 2: Language and number (Part 1)
** Introduction, Girelli & Semenza
** Language and numerical skills, Delazer & Girelli
** Language and the origins of number skills: karyotypic differences in Turner's, Butterworth et al
** Functional neuroanatomy of the semantic system: the case of numerals, Thioux
3.30-4.0 Tea
4.00-5.0 Symposium 2: Language and number (continued)
** Mental calculation and number word repetition: a PET study, Code et al
** Language and elementary arithmetic: dissociations between operations, Dehaene
5.00 Close