March 7, 1997 Academy of Aphasia -- Call for Papers, 35th Annual Meeting October 19-21, 1997, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dear Member,
This mailing contains the Call for Papers for the 35th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia. You will find enclosed the General Guidelines for submitting abstracts as well as a copy of the Information Sheet that should accompany each submission (this should be photocopied for multiple submissions). Abstracts must be received by mail (not faxed, not emailed) prior to May 1, 1997. There will be no exceptions to this submission deadline. Please enclose a label with each abstract so that we can inform you of the decision of the Program Committee.
The Program Committee welcomes all types of experimental and theoretical papers from any field that contributes to the study of language and its disruption, including linguistics, neurology, psychology, and speech-language pathology.
We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia this October.
Murray Grossman Chair, Program Committee
The meeting of the Academy of Aphasia has both platform and poster sessions. The platform sessions include: Scientific papers (original research that has not yet been published); and Symposia (a number of papers focusing on a common theme - these papers may report on previously published research). Poster sessions include scientific papers that can be presented primarily in a visual format. The Academy considers poster sessions to be as scientifically meritorious as platform sessions. Poster sessions will not conflict with platform sessions.
Both members and non-members of the Academy are encouraged to submit papers and symposia for the annual meeting. Only student papers need to be sponsored or co-authored by a member of the Academy. All submissions will be given equal consideration on the basis of their scientific merit and fitness for the Academy. Submissions in speech-language pathology and neurology are encouraged.
Attendance at the Conference: Room at the meeting is limited. Standing invitations are available to all Academy of Aphasia members, all authors of accepted papers, and the first author of all rejected papers. In addition, members of the Academy can have guests attend the meeting.
Guidelines for Submission: The submitted abstract should provide a concise statement of the problem or hypothesis, procedures and analyses conducted, results obtained, and final conclusion drawn. In the case of symposia, the symposium organizer should submit an abstract summarizing the topic of the symposium and an abstract for each of the individual presentations (including the names and affiliations of the participants). More than one abstract may be submitted by an individual, but an individual can be listed as first author on only one submission.
Please note the following guidelines: Abstracts may include a maximum of 1000 words (including references) as well as one camera-ready figure/table. The Abstracts will be printed in Brain & Language, so the text and figure/table should be prepared in accordance with the published specifications of that journal (including reference format). Eight copies must be submitted: Two containing the author(s) and affiliation(s) at the top of the first page and the corresponding address at the end of the abstract; and six copies for anonymous review that do not list authors and affiliations. Please use reasonable margins and font for reviewers' ease. For each submission, please return one copy of the enclosed information sheet and a typed label with the corresponding author's address for notification by the Program Committee of its decision. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be reviewed.
Abstracts must be received by mail (not fax or email) no later than May 1, 1997. There will be absolutely no exceptions to this deadline. The Program Committee will review the abstracts anonymously. Selection of papers will be based on scientific merit, on appropriateness for the Academy of Aphasia, on the representation of topics in the program, and on space and time restrictions. Unfortunately, not all papers can be accepted. We will send out notification of the decision by the Program Committee by mid-summer.
Please mail abstracts to: Murray Grossman Department of Neurology - 3 Gates 3400 Spruce Street University of Pennsylvania Medical Center Philadelphia PA 19104-4283Go to Submission Form
Program Committee: Murray Grossman,Chair (Philadelphia) Dana Boatman (Baltimore) Peter Hagoort (Nijmegen) Youngjai Kim (New York) Connie Tompkins (Pittsburgh) Lorraine Tyler (London)