POSTER SESSION 1: OCTOBER 19, 11:30-1:00 NAMING, SEMANTICS, APRAXIA 1. Differential Activation Times for Semantics and Phonology in Picture Naming, Goodglass 2. Patient JBR: The Role of Familiarity and Property Type in a Selective Deficit for Living Things , Bunn 3. A Category-Specific Deficit Through Interactive Phonological and Semantic Processing, Lesch 4. Semantically-Bounded Anomia, Cappa 5. The Access of the Semantics of Objects and Words in "Optic Aphasia", Miozzo 6. Contextual Priming of Lexical Retrieval in Two Severely Anomic Patients, Laine 7. The Contribution of Semantic Memory Deficit to Naming Failures, Barresi 8. Lack of Attentional Effects on Off-line Semantic Tasks in Alzheimer's Disease, Altmann 9. Hemispheric Contributions to Conceptual and Semantic Priming , Dronkers 10. Neural Basis of Common VS Proper Name Retrieval, Proverbio 11. Verb Retrieval in Isolation and Sentence Context in Broca's Aphasics, Jonkers 12. Verb Argument-Structure and Aphasic Repetition, Gottfried 13. Noun-Verb Dissociation in 3 Patients with Motor Neuron Disease and Aphasia, Bok 14. Effects of Multi-level Training on Verb Retrieval, Fink 15. Has "Ideational Apraxia" Outlived its Usefulness?, Buxbaum PLATFORM SESSION 1: OCTOBER 19, 2:30-5:00 LEXICAL PROCESSING AND SEMANTICS Chair: Peter Hagoort 1. Disorders of Combination: Processing Complex Words, Tyler 2. Interactivity? The Relationship between Semantics and Phonology in Speech, Rapp 3. Effects of Acoustic Variation and Semantic Context on Lexical Processing in Broca's Aphasia, Madan 4. A Category-Specific Semantic Deficit for Non-Living Things in Progressive Aphasia, Moss 5. Category Specific Impairments as a Result of Progressive Semantic Deterioration, Gonnerman PLATFORM SESSION 2: OCTOBER 20, 9:00-10:30 SENTENCE PROCESSING AND SYNTAX Chair: Lorraine K. Tyler 1. Syntactic ERP Effects in Broca's Aphasics with Agrammatic Comprehension, Wassenaar 2. The Role of Working Memory in Sentence Processing: Evidence from Parkinson's Disease, Waters 3. Effects of Syntactic Structure and Number of Propositions on Regional Cerebral Blood Flow, Caplan POSTER SESSION 2: OCTOBER 20, 11:00-12:30 SENTENCE PROCESSING, SYNTAX, READING, WRITING, SPATIAL PROCESSING 1. The Neural Basis for Resource Limitations During Grammatical Processing, Grossman 2. Processing Derivationally-Suffixed Words in Agrammatism , Mathews 3. A Test of the Default Strategy of the Trace-Deletion Hypothesis, Beretta 4. Negation in Agrammatism, Rispens 5. Prepositional Compounds are Sensitive to Agrammatism, Mondini 6. The Effect of an Induced Temporal Resource Limitation on Grammatical Processing, Kilborn 7. Morphosyntactic Production Abilities in Anomic Aphasia, Zaroff 8. Serial Position Effects in Aphasics' Neologism, Gagnon 9. Affixational Morphology in Jargonaphasia, Goldberg 10. Production and Comprehension of Relative Clause Syntax in Nonfluent Aphasia, Ni 11. Verb Production in Dutch Agrammatic Patients, Bastiaanse 12. Language Comprehension in Aphasic and Confusional State Patients as Indexed by the N400, Stemmer 13. Treatment to Improve Sentence Production: A Case Study, Reichman-Novak 14. Hemispatial Influences on Language Performance, Lie 15. A Category Specific Deficit of Spatial Representation: The Case of Autotopoagnosia, Denes 16. Processing Double Letters in Graphemic Output, Semenza 17. Positional Effects in Dyslexic "Visual Errors", Berndt 18. Deep Dyslexia and Dysgraphia in a Broca's Aphasic, Balasubramanian 19. Treatment for Pure Alexia Employing Two Distinct Reading Mechanisms, Friedman ACADEMY LUNCHEON: OCTOBER 20, 1:15-2:45 SPECIAL SESSION: OCTOBER 20, 3:00-3:30 Chair: Barry Gordon JUDITH COOPER PhD, DIRECTOR, NIDCD NIDCD FUNDING TRENDS AND OPPORTUNITIES PLATFORM SESSION 3: OCTOBER 20, 3:45-5:15 EXPERIMENTAL THERAPIES Chair: Connie Tompkins 1. Production-Specific Thematic Mapping Impairment: A Treatment Study, Mitchum 2. Training Complex Wh-Movement Structures in Agrammatic Aphasia, Thompson 3. Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion in Acquired Dyslexia: Neurobiological Changes, Small PLATFORM SESSION 4: OCTOBER 21, 9:00-11:00 READING AND WRITING Chair: Murray Grossman 1. Top-Down Effects on Orthographic Lexical Access in a Patient with Severe Dyslexia, Greenwald 2. Nonword Spelling in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease, Glosser 3. So Alike and Yet so Different: Evidence for Two Distinct Lexical-Phonological Deficits, Melvold 4. Anomia Without Surface Dyslexia in Chinese Speakers, Weekes POSTER SESSION 3: OCTOBER 21, 11:30-1:30 PHONETICS, DISCOURSE, PROSODY, ACALCULIA 1. Phonetic Processing Following Left Hemispherectomy in Children Over 5, Boatman 2. The Role of Syllabic Frequency in Aphasic Phonological Errors, Wilshire 3. Lexical and Neighborhood Influences on Phonetic Perception in Aphasia, Boyczuk 4. The Impact of General Auditory Processes Impairment on Speech Perception, Padovani 5. Immediate Verbal Memory in an Aphemic Patient, Lindfield 6. Remediation of Nonfluent Aphasic Speech Errors Using Electromagnetic Articulography, Katz 7. The Ability of Left and Right Hemisphere Damaged Individuals to Perceive and Produce Prosodic Cues, Baum 8. Impaired Modulation of Continuous Prosodic Features Following Right-Hemisphere Lesions, Pell 9. Production of Linguistic Prosody After Unilateral Brain Damage, Vijayan 10. The Role of the Right Hemisphere in Word Processing: An ERP Study, Swaab 11. Politeness after Right-Brain Damage, Brownell 12. The Heterogeneity of Right-Hemisphere Damaged Subjects in Conversation, Chantraine 13. Context Effects in Right Brain-Damaged Individuals: Some On-Line Evidence, Leonard 14. Discourse Production Impairments: Relevance in Spoken Messages of Alzheimer Patients, Blomert 15. Right Hemisphere Damage Aphasia in American Sign Language, Klima 16. Calculation and Number Processing in Aphasic Patients, Girelli PLATFORM SESSION 5: OCTOBER 21, 3:00-5:00 SUPRASEGMENTAL PROCESSING AND RIGHT HEMISPHERE LANGUAGE Chair: XXX 1. Discourse Encoding Strategies of Right Hemisphere Damaged Patients, Titone 2. Discourse Comprehension in Alzheimer's Disease, Almor 3. Speech in the Disconnected Right Hemisphere, Zaidel 4. A PET Investigation of Speech Prosody in Tone Languages, Gandour