Academy of Aphasia 46nd 46thAnnual Meeting

October 19-21, 2008 Turku, Finland

(Turku, Finland)


January 2025, 2008

Dear Colleague:

This mailing includes the Call for Papers for the 46st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia at the Spa Hotel Caribia in Turku, Finland. The Academy of Aphasia welcomes submissions of original experimental, clinical, theoretical and historical research from any field that contributes to the study of aphasia, including Speech-Language Pathology, Psychology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, History and Computational Modeling.  The Academy of Aphasia encourages submissions for platform papers, poster presentations, proposals for symposia that bring together researchers from different laboratories reporting on a common research theme, and mini-workshops with a methodological emphasis in which a unique approach to a timely topic may be presented by a single research group.  Submissions are accepted from both members and non-members of the Academy of Aphasia and all submissions are given equal consideration.

You will find enclosed attached the General Guidelines for Submission for the electronic submission of abstracts as well as a copy of the Abstract Information Sheet, which should accompany your submission. A separate information sheet must accompany each abstract and must be received by 12:00 noon Central Standard Daylight Time (CSDT) on Tuesday April 1, 2008. All of these forms are also available on the Academy web site ( Although it is discouraged, you may bypass electronic submission and mail a 3.5" floppy diskCD with 8 hard copies of your abstract to:

Academy Of Aphasia

Frances Laven, Director

PO Box 26532

Minneapolis MN 55426, USA

This tooThe CD must be received by 12 noon CSDT on Tuesday April 1, 2008. Due to abstract publication requirements, there will be no exceptions to this submission deadline. The Program Committee will notify you of its decision by e-mail; therefore, your e-mail address must accompany each submission.


Frances Laven, Director of the Academy

Hugh Buckingham, Chair

Matt Goldrick Asst. Chair Program Committee (Chair, Oct. 2009)

Lise Menn

Ana Ines Ansaldo

Lynn Maher

Carol Leonard

Sarah Christman, ex officio

Matti Laine, Local Arrangements

Hugh Buckingham (Chai

Matti Laine, Local Arrangement


The Academy of Aphasia 46thth xxnd Annual Meeting

October 19 - 21xx- xx, 2008x

(Turku, Finland)Place of the Meeting)

The annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia has both platform and poster sessions. The platform sessions include: Scientific papers (original research that has not yet been published), Symposia (a number of papers from researchers representing different laboratories and focusing on a common theme - these papers may report on previously published research), and Mini-Workshops (a methodologically oriented session including a number of papers that may be from a single research group reporting a unique approach to a timely topic). Poster sessions include scientific papers that can be presented primarily in a visual format. The Academy considers poster sessions to be as scientifically meritorious as platform sessions. Poster sessions will not conflict with platform sessions.

Both members and non-members of the Academy are encouraged to submit papers, symposia and mini-workshops for the annual meeting. Student papers need to be co-authored by a member of the Academy. All submissions will be given equal consideration on the basis of their scientific merit and fitness for the Academy. The Program Committee welcomes all types of experimental and theoretical papers from any field that contributes to the study of language and its disruption, including (but not limited to) linguistics, neurology, psychology, computational modeling, and speech-language pathology.

Attendance at the Conference: The meeting is open to anyone interested in attending. However, meeting space is limited, and Academy of Aphasia members, authors of accepted papers, and the first authors of rejected papers will have preference if space limitations restrict the number of registrants.

Guidelines for Submission: The submitted abstract should provide a concise statement of the problem or hypothesis, procedures and analyses conducted, results obtained, and final conclusion drawn. In the case of symposia and mini-workshops, the organizer should submit an abstract summarizing the topic and an abstract for each of the individual presentations (including the names and affiliations of the participants). To help the planning of the program, it is recommended that organizers of symposia and mini-workshops contact the Chair of the Program Committee by email (name and email address) about their plans no later than March 15 in order to get feedback on organizational issues. More than one abstract may be submitted by an individual, but an individual can be listed as first author on only one submission.

Please note the following guidelines: Abstracts may include a maximum of 1000 500 words (including references) as well as one camera-ready figure/table. The abstracts will be printed in Brain and Language, Tso the text and figure/table should be prepared in accordance with its published the specifications Instructions for authors in Brain and Language (including reference format). They will be published online and on a separate CD. Please submit your abstract electronically to: Please send all files as attachments, saved in either Microsoft Word or RTF format. Please send two copies of the abstract, one prepared normally and the other with all identifying information removed (for anonymous review). For both versions, please use a one-word filename with the author's last name and initials separated by a period. Use suffix "1" for the regular version and "2" for the anonymous version (e.g., smith.ab.1, smith.ab.2). Charts and graphs should be embedded in the document as a chart or graph. Alternatively, you may mail a disk CD and 8 hard copies of your abstract to: Academy Of Aphasia, Frances Laven, Director, P.O. Box 26532, Minneapolis MN 55426, USA.

Please include the corresponding address at the end of the normally prepared abstract. For each electronic or disk CD submission, please include the information sheet that is enclosed. The Program committee will notify you of its decision by email, so your email address must be included with the normally prepared abstract. To receive notification by surface mail, a typed label with the corresponding author's address must accompany the abstract. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be reviewed.

Abstracts must be received no later than 12:00 noon Central Standard Daylight Time on Xxday Tuesday, April 1, 200x8. There will be absolutely no exceptions to this deadline. The Program Committee will review the abstracts anonymously. Selection of papers will be based on scientific merit, on appropriateness for the Academy of Aphasia, on the representation of topics in the program, and on space and time restrictions. Unfortunately, not all papers can be accepted. We will send out notification of the decision by the Program Committee by mid-summer. You will be notified by e-mail; therefore, your e-mail address must accompany each submission.

Please email abstracts to:
Fax:  952-920-6098  

Matt Goldrick, Vice Chair

Lise Menn

Ana Ines Ansaldo

Lynn Maher

Carol Leonard

Sarah Christman, ex oficio

Hugh Buckingham (Chair)

Matti Laine, Local Arrangements

Program Committee

Additional information from:

Academy Of Aphasia

Frances Laven, Director

PO Box 26532

Minneapolis MN 55426


PHONE:  952-920-0484

FAX:       952-920-6098


(the names of the Program Committee members).Hugh Buckingham (Chair)

Matt Goldrick, Vice Chair

Lise Menn

Ana Ines Ansaldo

Lynn Maher

Carol Leonard

Sarah Christman, ex officio

Matti Laine, Local Arrangements


The Academy of Aphasia 46th46thxxnd Annual Meeting

October 19 - 21ber xx- xx, 2008 Turku, Finland


(Turku, FinlandPlace of the Meeting)

Please return one information sheet for each submission


AUTHORS (list names and mailing addresses of all authors):

CORRESPONDING AUTHOR (include email address or a typed mailing label for each submission if you prefer to be notified by surface mail):



Phone:                                              Fax:                                      Email:                                                          


FORMAT PREFERENCE (we cannot guarantee to honor preferences, but we will try):

____  Poster session preferred                                         

____  Platform session preferred

____  Symposium or Mini-Workshop preferred, but platform or poster session for individual papers otherwise

____   Only poster session acceptable

_____ Only platform session acceptable

____  Only Symposium or Mini-Workshop acceptable

____  No strong preference

TIME REQUIRED (Platform papers, Symposia, and Mini-Workshops): The standard time allotment for Platform papers is 15 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for discussion. Symposia and Mini-Workshops usually contain no more than 4 papers respecting the same time allotment, along with some time for introduction and general discussion. Total time for Symposia and Mini-Workshops is between 2 and 2 ¼ hours.


____  Digital projector (e.g., Powerpoint) ____  Slide projector (2 inch slides)    ____  Overhead projector      ____  Other (please specify as precisely as possible, and we will try to accommodate):