42th annual meeting

October 17-19, 2002

Intercontinental Hotel

505 North Michigan Avenue

Chicago, Illinois


NAME :                                                                                                                                             

ADDRESS :                                                                                                                                        

CITY :                                                                          COUNTRY :                                                 

ZIP :                                                                            EMAIL :                                                         

PHONE :                                                                     FAX :                                                             

Registration fees* 

BEFORE OR ON September 15, 2004

     Members                             250 US $ r                 Students          150 US $ r                      $

     Non-Members                     300 US $ r                                                                                 $


AFTER  September 15, 2004

     Members                             350 US $ r                 Students          250 US $ r                      $

     Non-Members                     400 US $ r                                                                                 $

                                                                                                               Total                          $

*The registration fees include meeting space and equipment, continental breakfast daily, coffee breaks twice a day, and hors dÕoevres for the Monday reception. They do not include the banquet (see below). Member registration is available ONLY to members who are up-to-date with membership fees.


     Annual Membership Fee       100 US $ r     Associate Member          50 US $ r                   $

                                                                                                                      Total                          $

r I am not currently a member but would like to be contacted by the membership committee.


A buffet luncheon will be served on Monday, October 18.  The cost is $50 per person.  It will be possible to hear the Luncheon Speaker without eating (and paying for) the luncheon.  Reservations are due with Conference Registration.

                                                                        x 50 US $       =                      Total                          $

                                                           (# persons)


TOTAL OF ALL PAYMENTS                                                                          Grand Total              $

             Check Enclosed                             Credit Card Type (Visa, MasterCard)                       

payable to  the Academy of Aphasia             Name on card                                                            

MAIL TO :      Academy of Aphasia             Account #                                                                  

                  PO Box 26532                     Expiration Date                                                         

Minneapolis, MN 55426 USA

FAX TO:        952-920-6098 (Credit card only)

EMAIL TO:   contact@academyofaphasia.org (Credit card only)

FOR STUDENT: Name of University or College                                                                             

á       Registrant is a full time student in (department)                                                                     

á       Signature of Department Chair                                                                                              

á       Name of Department Chair                                                                                                               


We invite you to attend the 42nd annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, taking place this year in the windy city of Chicago.  October is a great time to be in Chicago, and the conference site is right in the middle of things, so do join us for our 42nd gathering.

The Conference Site

We will hold all meeting sessions in downtown Chicago at the Hotel Intercontinental, which is on the Òmiracle mileÓ of shopping and hotels, near the new Millennium Park and the Museum of Contemporary Art, and not far from the ÒLoopÓ, home of the Art Institute of Chicago.

The neighborhood is a safe and reasonable one by Chicago standards. There are hundreds of restaurants within walking distance from the hotel. Mass transportation is readily available in the way of buses and train (the ÒelÓ, i.e., the elevated train).


We urge everyone to register at the Hotel Intercontinental Chicago, where we have negotiated a rate of $149. This rate is available by mentioning the "Academy of Aphasia" (group booking code c48) . Even if you book on the web, and/or find a better rate, please tell the hotel that you are associated with the Academy of Aphasia, and we will get credit for your stay (very beneficial to the Academy). To reach the Hotel Intercontinental, please call +1-312-944-4100 or (in the US or Canada) 1-800-628-2112 (Fax: +1-312-944-1320) or sign on to http://hotel.academyofaphasia.org. Reservations should be made sooner rather than later.  The special rate is available until Sept. 23rd. The rooms do have Internet access for a fee, externally-accessible voice-mail, and 4 pieces of exercise equipment in a 'fitness center'. They do have 'non-smoking' rooms.

For the possibility of truly inexpensive student accommodations at a greater distance from the conference site, try the various web sites and realize that public transportation in Chicago is quite good and easy to use.