Call for Papers


Academy of Aphasia 2002

40th Annual Meeting

October, 20 – 22, 2002

New York, USA



Thursday, January 31, 2002


Dear Colleague:


This mailing includes the Call for Papers for the 40th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia. You will find enclosed the General Guidelines for the electronic submission of abstracts as well as a copy of the Information Sheet that should accompany your submission. A separate information sheet must accompany each abstract and must be received by 12:00 noon Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on Monday April 1, 2002. All of these forms are also available on the Academy web site ( If the web site asks for a name, use “Member” and for a password, use “Wernicke” (note capitals).

Although it is discouraged, you may bypass electronic submission and mail a 3.5” floppy disk with 8 hard copies of your abstract to:


Luci Varian

Administrative Assistant

Academy of Aphasia

c/o East Bay Institute for Research and Education

150 Muir Rd (126-S)

Martinez, CA 94553


This too must be received by 12 noon PDT on Monday April 8, 2002 - due to abstract publication requirements, there will be no exceptions to this submission deadline. The Program Committee will notify you of its decision by e-mail; therefore, your e-mail address must accompany each submission.


The Program Committee welcomes all types of unique clinical, experimental and theoretical papers from any field that contributes to the study of aphasia, including (but not limited to) Speech-Language Pathology, Psychology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, and Computational Modeling. We encourage your submission of platform papers, poster presentations and thematically organized multi-presenter symposia.


We look forward to seeing you in New York in late October.



Roelien Bastiaanse, Ph.D.

Chair, Program Committee                                                                         

Academy of Aphasia                                                                                 


Program Committee

Peter Borenstein

Guila Glosser

Marc Pell

Brenda Rapp

Beverly Wulfeck

Roelien Bastiaanse