Registration and Hotel Information

Academy of Aphasia

October 2000

Montréal, Québec

NAME : ___________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS : ________________________________________________________________________________

CITY : ___________________________________  COUNTRY : ____________________________________	 

ZIP : ___________________________________  EMAIL : _______________________________________	 				

PHONE : ___________________________________  FAX : _______________________________________	 					

Before September 15, 2000 
	Members and non-members:    150$US$ __________        Students:     75US$ __________

After September 15, 2000
	Members and non-members:    200$US$ __________        Students:    100US$ __________

                                                           Total:      __________

*The registration fees include morning croissants, coffee/tea breaks and luncheon on Sunday 22

Banquet at the Ch‰teau Ramesay (50US$/ per person).

(See accompanying flyer for information / Subject to limited access Ð Priority given to members)

             ________  x 50US$ 	=         Total __________  US$
            (# person)

(Please indicate if vegetarian)     Grand Total __________ US$

_______ Check                             _______ Credit Card Type (Visa, MasterCard)

payable to  The	Academy of Aphasia        Name on card ______________________________

MAIL TO :  Administrative Office          ACC # _____________________________________						
           c/o Luci Varian                Exp. Date _________________________________						
           150 Muir Road (126S)           Signature _________________________________	
           Martinez, CA 94553 USA				

FOR STUDENT RATE: Name of University or College 						
· Registrant is a full time student in (department) 							
· Signature of Department Chair 									
· Name of Department Chair 										


The meeting is to be held at the Hotel Inter-Continental Montréal

360 Rue St-Antoine Ouest

Montréal, Québec Canada H2Y 3X4

Tel: (514) 987 9900 Fax: (514) 847 8730



Reflecting a tradition of classical style and elegance, Hotel Inter-Continental Montréal ( is the perfect setting for all your social and business functions. Ideally situated in Old Montréal, a five minute walk to the city's downtown core, Hotel Inter-Continental's unique Victorian Nordheimer building offers a complete range of. This stunning landmark is linked to the exquisite Ruelle des Fortifications and was built over three magnificent stone vaults thought to date back to the middle of the 18th century. Now elegantly restored, these vaults are exquisite settings for intimate receptions and gatherings.


Room reservations can be made directly with the hotel by phone, fax, or on-line.

(Please mention the Academy of Aphasia group)

Room Rates

Single or double occupancy 130 $ US

Additional person 18$ US

Rates are subject to all applicable taxes

There will be an optional Banquet dinner to be held Monday evening from 19h00 (after the Business meeting). This Banquet dinner will be held in the salon of the Château Ramezay located at a 10-minute walking distance from the Hotel Intercontinental, just in front of the majestuous City Hall.

The Château Ramezay ( is an historic building. Built in the 18th century (1705), for the Governor of Montreal, Claude de Ramezay, for his official functions and home for his family of 16 children. In 1775-1776 it was used as headquarters by the occupying American army. The Château Ramezay hosted Benjamin Franklin during his stay in Montreal.

Banquet fees (50 US$) include brief guide tour of the Museum and sit-down dinner with wine.

Please note that the Château’s floor space limits attendance to a maximum of 50 guests.

If you whish to attend the Banquet dinner, just complete the " Banquet " section on the Registration form.

Centaur Theater : 453 François-Xavier St. Montreal, tel. 288-3161

  • Oct. 24 to Dec.3 : Driving Miss Daisy